Sacredness of Human Life
Hold up your hand and pretend like you're

holding a peanut between your thumb and
forefinger. Now, imagine in that span of your fingers is a fully formed baby with all it's bodily organs and appendages. That's the size and structure of almost every baby that is aborted in America on a daily basis. (3,000/day) I'm still trying to grasp these silent, unreported realities!
Our pastor compared it to the Haitian earthquake happening everyday among the unborn, because as many babies are aborted daily in this world as people have died in Haiti!! That's staggering...that's horrifying!!
This is all the more real because of two things going on in our lives. Firstly, just this week Rachel and I had a sneak peek into our baby's world. Spread your fingers a little farther apart and that's the size of our baby. As we watched on the monitor for almost an hour my mind raced back to Psalm 139 which we memorized this fall, "You formed my inward parts, you
knitted me together in my mother's womb. I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are your works, my soul knows them very well!"

As the Psalmist meditated on the darkest places on earth he thought of two places: 1) his inner parts, 2) his mother's womb. Yahweh God made our inner parts, Yahweh God mak
es every baby, and he does these
incredible works of creation in absolute darkness. If He can see well enough in those places to do those creative works, we should never have to fear darkness in our lives,
Yahweh sees and Yahweh knows and Yahweh does wonderful things in the dark. Wonderful, fearful, sacred, holy creations of God...and we do terrible things in that same dark place! God have mercy on us and our nation. Pray too that God would continue to bless and strengthen Rachel through this pregnancy, she's doing great!
The second thing that gets me thinking about sanctity of human life this weekend is because God has opened an opportunity for a fellow apprentice and myself to lead a worship servic
e at our church for those among us with mental handicaps. Often corporate worship is far too difficult, too distant, and too long for them to glean much spiritual fruit. As a strong symbol that our church values human life inside and outside the womb we're hoping to offer this service every Sunday for these dear people and their caretakers. Pray for us as we step into new territory for the sake of Christ and His Kingdom. 90% of all children who are projected to have a physical handicap are aborted! 90%...they don't stand a chance! (If you want Jesus' perspective on this reflect on John 9:1-7, Ex. 4:11) Yet has not

God made them as well, isn't he the one knitting them together too!? Yet, even with the mental capacity of 3 year olds we want to preach the gospel to them in a way that they might understand. Who knows what God will do in the dark places of their minds, perhaps he will create faith and joy and love for Jesus!
So, I end my reflection on the sacredness of human life for now. Please pray for our unborn child who is a work of God in progress. Please pray for this ministry opportunity with our mentally disabled friends. Please pray for eyes to be opened to the glory of God displayed all around us through people made in His image and likeness. AMEN
P.S.-We closed our eyes when we could have found out our baby's gender so guess you'll just have to wait another 4 1/2 months with us :-)