Sunday, May 30, 2010

Why Study the Old Testament?

As part of our final exam for Old Testament: Background & Message we needed to write a brief response to this question. I thought that some of you might want to read my response. It's not exhaustive and is geared more towards my experience from the past semester. Nevertheless, I hope it is a helpful read. After all, the OT is 75% of our Biblical content and if any of you read through the bible in a year, this is certainly a very relevant question (especially as you trek through Leviticus or I Chronicles 1-9). Happy Reading!

Response: Why Study the Background & Message of the Old Testament?

Having taken a two “Introduction to the Old Testament” courses before this class, once in high-school and then in college, I thought I knew what this year of study was going to be like, perhaps only on a deeper level. I was pleasantly surprised by how wrong my expectations proved to be! I’ve catalogued the most significant improvements in my understanding of the Old Testament in terms of canonicity, continuity, and complexity.

Q :: Why Study the Background & Message of the Old Testament?

A1) It is not only 39 books but also one Book about God. (canonicity)

In God’s glorious design he wrote a book over the course of 1000 years using a variety of noted and anonymous authors from all walks of life tracing His sovereign work from the dawn of time to the days of silence. Each of these individual books plays and important role in the life and doctrine of God’s people and they also play a significant role in the one Book we call the Old Testament (OT). While the English Bible ordering is useful and helpful in numerous ways, I have been significantly helped by studying these books in their Hebrew ordering** and thus discerning the overarching message of the Book. The Hebrew Bible is divided into three sections: Law, Prophets, & Writings. The Law lays out the foundations and covenant stipulations for God’s people. The Prophets trace the promising but sad history of the covenant people up to the exile. The Writings record directions for the diverse situations those who truly seek to live out the covenant will encounter. Knowing where the individual books of the OT fit in this scheme greatly helps us as modern interpreters to understand them more clearly and apply them more precisely.

(**Hebrew Bible Ordering: (Law) Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy; (Prophets) Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, The Book of the Twelve; (Writings) Ruth, Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Lamentations, Daniel, Esther, Ezra-Nehemiah, Chronicles.)

A2) It is foundational for so much of the New Testament. (continuity)

Jesus himself said after his resurrection, “everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled” (Luke 24:44 ESV). The three-fold division of the OT all attests to the Messiah and fills us with anticipation for his coming reign! The corpus of the OT does not only point to the reign of YHWH over all the earth but is progressively building towards the day when he would send a Seed, a Prophet, a Priest, a King, a Branch, a Servant, a Redeemer who would save his people. I have been so helped by seeing afresh how the Law and sacrificial system undergird so much of the NT and even more function as types of Christ! I have been so helped by seeing, perhaps for the first time, how all these great men of the OT chronicles were YHWH’s gift to his people and yet ultimately failed to provide what the people needed; they too were types of Messiah. Thus, the OT is primarily about Jesus if we have eyes to see!

A3) For all its wealth is can be very difficult to read. (complexity)

It is this last point, that the OT is about Jesus, that is most difficult for us to see and understand. Yes, it is about him as far as prophecy and preparation for his coming, but there is so much more! The gospel is heralded throughout the OT text and yet it is also a few steps removed from the immediacy we find in the Epistle to the Romans or the Gospel of John. Reading a text in its canonical context understanding its continuity to NT themes leaves only one difficulty, the complexities inherent in a Book 3000 years and half a world removed from our lives. Thus, it is very worthwhile to study the background and message of the OT for it gives us the framework to go deep into our text and not drown, it is the Bible that all the NT authors knew and used to show us Jesus, it gives us pictures of Christ by undergirding NT allusions and showing us God’s gospel from the beginning, and knowing the background/message gives us tools to unravel some of this complexity that turns many away from God's Word.

So, let us be as Ezra who set his heart to study, to teach, and to do the Word of God. Let us be strong and courageous like Joshua knowing that as we think over these hard texts of the OT God will give us understanding in everything (2 Tim. 2:7). Study Hard!!

All Moved In

Whew! We made it! We finished the semester, we moved down the hallway, and now we're just waiting on the nine-month alarm to go off. Rachel's really happy with the new place and we were both surprised how much extra space there is. It is a wonder how such a small addition to one's life can make such massive changes, we're only just beginning to know. Enjoy a few pictures of our new environ. Hope to see and speak with many of you soon upon the blessed arrival!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Home Stretch

It's been a busy three weeks since we've written thanks for sticking with us! Last weekend found us in two locations - Rachel teaching her life guard certification course, Marcus attending Andrew's graduation from the University of Illinois. It was exhilarating and exhausting for both of us! This past weekend Marcus was in Chicago again for a gathering of missions pastors as part of his global outreach internship.

But now we're in the home-stretch! Four days until the spring semester ends for Marcus and and 27 (projected) days until baby arrives. The words of the Preacher of Ecclesiastes ring in our ears: "for everything there is a season, a time for every matter under the sun." (3:1) We're summarizing the next few weeks and months this way: a time to complete, and a time to begin; a time to settle, and a time to embark.

As classes, seminary and lifeguarding, come to a close we are also looking forward to new beginnings that this summer will bring. But we're also looking forward to a sweet time in-between to gather together our thoughts and lifestyle. This summer has a lot of adventure in store, the smallest of which is Marcus beginning Biblical Hebrew, the greatest of which is a new life entering to world. We're also hoping to settle amid these new adventures: to focus of only one class, the new apartment we hope to acquire next week, the development of relationships begun this past year, and the rhythm of life to persevere through the next 3 years. Thank you for your prayers!

Running Hard, Marcus & Rachel

Sunday, May 02, 2010

47 Days and Counting...

Parenthood came knocking at our door 7 months ago. More recently it's been hanging out at our apartment, taking over bookshelves, manifesting itself in my closet, taking precedent of the weekend, inching into our checkbook, and many far more invasive procedures! Not more than 47 days from now it will become a permanent dweller in the Leman household and will forever be one of us...and we feel like we're just getting to know it!

Yet, as the spring flowers begin blooming on the trees so Rachel is in full bloom! Now we can see footprints when Baby kicks, yes footprints. I keep saying soccer player, Rachel keeps saying swimmer, we'll see... Both mommy and baby are doing well, daddy is the one to be concerned about, he's just generally a wreck. 47 doesn't seem like enough time, but it just so happens to be the perfect amount because that's all we get. Up next: a hospital tour, moving to a new apartment unit down the hall, lots of reading (all in English though), and frank discussions about what color to paint the "baby room". Thanks for your love and support, we're so glad to have many friends praying for us these days as we continue our preparation and now begin a family.