From “30-Days of Prayer for the Muslim World” - “In settings of friendship and trust, [engage] the truth claims made within the Qur’an itself and for the Qur’am by Muslims. Blithely nodding or smiling when Muslims make truth claims that go against the clear message of the Gospel shows neither respect nor love. Love goes the distance with our friends in taking a firm stand and making our best case for the saving truth.” (
I was struck by this sentence today. How indifferent have we become to all kinds of people in our society and around the world using the Lord’s name in vain, making degrading statements about His Holy Word, and rejecting the beautiful news of the Gospel. “Blithely” is a good description - “showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous.” Have I grown callous to the rejection of God’s Word? Have I become casually indifferent to disbelief in God? It should hit me like a thunderbolt every-time!! What did I just read this morning, “I am Yahweh, and there is no other, besides me there is no God...I am Yahweh, and there is no other...I am Yahweh, who does all these things.” (Isaiah 45:5-7; for Yahweh try inserting “he who causes to be”, one possible translation of the Holy Name)
But more than shock and awe it should cause passion for the truth to rise in my heart and compassion for the speaker to temper my response. Do we serve the risen King or not? Does he truly rule this world or not? Will he come again one day and vindicate this insolence and indifference towards his holiness or not? What do we believe! And yet, did not our Lord bear such shameful reproach on the cross, our shameful reproach? Has he not called us, former enemies, sons and daughters of God? Oh, there must be love and respect in our speech and conduct but always rooted in the truth, and a passion that this truth be known and rejoiced in just as we do day by day. Father, draw many Muslims to a right understanding of your Son, Isa al-Masih, in these their holy days by the powerful wind of your Spirit and unchanging truth of your Word. Through His name we ask it, AMEN.