Sunday, April 22, 2012


While we were in Utah for Easter Benaiah had a great time watching the waterfall. Here he is in his new suit for the upcoming wedding we'll be attending in May.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Reading Quotes

Here's a little mid-week theology, some reading notes from Doctrine class on the "image of God" in mankind:

"To be a creature, as we have seen, means absolute dependence on God; to be a person means relative independence… To be creatures means that God is the potter and we are the clay (Rom. 9:21); to be persons means that we are the ones who fashion our lives by our own decisions (Gal. 6:7-8)." (6) [Lots of questions could arise from this thought, I just liked the helpful balance he points out.]

"Our understanding of the image of God must include these two senses: (1) The image of God as such is an unlosable aspect of man, a part of his essence and existence, something that man cannot lose without ceasing to be man. (2) The image of God, however, must also be understood as that likeness to God which was perverted when man fell into sin, and is being restored and renewed in the process of sanctification." (32)

"This renewal of the image, as we have observed before, is not complete during a person's lifetime. It is a process that continues as long as one lives. We must never forget that while they are in this present life believers are genuinely new but not yet totally new. They are incomplete new persons." (91)

And yet, one day we will be made totally new and totally free from sin. That will be glorious, when we see him face to face and become like him!

All Quotes From: Hoekema, Anthony. Created in God's Image. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1986.