For those of you who know me (Marcus), I don't stay up late at night! So, on various occasions when I do violate my "bedtime" it is for a very good reason. Rachel, on the other hand, is glad to stay up late, any reason will do well for her :-) But Friday night was reason enough for both of us: Turkey v. Croatia (Eurocup 2008 Quarterfinals)!

So there we were, the only two foreigners crammed into my friend's cafe, huddled around the TV screen. My friend has a nice cafe, but it was hot and stuffy yet no one seemed to mind. You see, for most of the world soccer is the sport of choice. (In Antalya there are whole newspapers that only carry soccer news!!!) Yeah, people play basketball, beach volley, tennis, and other sports, but soccer has reached almost sacred proportions for those without the true deity. Well, it wasn't worship on Friday, but the atmosphere was electric when the game started.
Rachel was enjoying a smoothie during the first half, helped keep he engaged. The second half it was on to water and she began to wilt. The score was still zero-zero! 90 minutes burned and only 12 shots on goal, none scored. First overtime, no goals! Second overtime, no goals...until 1:19 minutes, Croatia scored on a cross-header combo. The room was dead silent. One minute to go and all hope was lost. People began to mill about, say their goodbyes and and 1:20+2 Turkey scored and impossible goal. The somber faces were suddenly alight with joy. People were dancing on the tables in the cafe (only 2 dishes broken), shouting, hugging, laughing, praising, "a miracle!" they said. (Turkey went on to win in PK's 3-1.)
Now if that isn't a cultural experience for you I don't know what is. As we walked home and discussed the night I realized something though. If I am to love these people I must love the things that they love. Not fanatical worship of a sport, far from it...but learn to enjoy their tastes, cheer for their football team in an important match, stay up late for something if they seem to think it's so important. Only then can we truly love them and become one with them and communicate a higher love. Wasn't this already done on our behalf? "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us..." Putting aside his heavenly tastes for our sake and live among us.
Well, after an American lunch today (ahem...McDonald's) I'm not feeling very Turkish. But it is food for thought. What am I willing to stay up late for and what should I learn to be willing to stay up late for.
Learning with you, Marcus & Rachel
(We've got Germany on Wednesday, another late night :-)