Before we left Illinois we were overwhelmed by the gifts and well-wishes of our friends. It was truly a mercy to us that God is reminding us of everyday! I know the scriptures say that His mercies are new every morning, and that is certainly true, but past mercies are also active and reasons for thanksgiving. And what reminded me of this most was song #6.
A good friend gave me a CD before I left for Minneapolis. It was by some of my favorite artists and the general theme was "the perseverance of the saints in tough times." As I listened to it for the first time I ask the Lord, "are these songs intended to meet me now or sometime in the future?" And then we moved. For the first few weeks as we were learning our way around the city, the CD sat in our car and was unheard. But this week, as we wait eagerly for the Lord to provide a job for Rachel, it came out and this is what I heard...
You have ordained every breath we take
I pleasure or pain there is no mistake
Gladness and grief, both are in your hand
And sufferings brief carry out Your plan
And our fleeting sorrows will yield an endless prize
When some bright tomorrow we see you with our eyes, and
Grace upon grace flows down, flows down
Through the precious blood of Christ!
What do you do in the middle of a situation that is entirely out of your hands? Well, basically we either curse God or bless Him. And what a mercy this song has been in helping me bless the Lord. These "fleeting sorrows" are for some bigger purpose in our lives. This "pain" and "grief" are grace, grace flowing down from Jesus Himself! Oh, how we must bless the Lord for all His gracious purposes for soon they will yield an "endless prize" that will far outweigh all their pain.
Thank you for your prayers on our behalf. As we wait patiently for the Lord we know that He will incline his ear and hear our cry, he will lift us out at just the right time. So, as you pray for his provision and his soverign work in our lives, thank him for his mercies - past and present!
If you want to hear the song - it's #6 http://www.sovereigngracemusic.org/albums/category/sovereign_grace_music/come_weary_saints
P.S.-Rachel just got an email about a job interview! Thank You Father!