Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ah, the Smell of Spruce

Don't you just love the smells of the season! I sure do, it's one of my favorite parts. Christmas tea, cinnamon & clove candles, all kinds of baked goodies, and of course, the tree. I didn't know that when I got married I was marrying a spruce lover, blue spruce to be exact. But that'
s been our tree for three years running! (they're really prickly though-ouch) But they sure do look good and smell even better. So, I guess that's just one of those marriage things you find out later and love even more. Check out the video tour by Rachel - Merry Christmas!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Hymn

By: Marcus Leman

26 November 2009

(You can sing it to Ellacombe - "I Sing the Mighty Power of God")

Lord of the heavens, Lord of earth, thank you for making us;

Made in your image and likeness but formed from lowly dust.

Thank you for labors to attend whereby you sustain us;

We are your vessels to command, you give our lives purpose.

God of salvation, God of grace, thank you for saving me;

When I was lost and hard of heart You displayed great mercy!

Thank you for Christ, our pascal lamb, offered upon the tree;

He did not seek His rightful place but suffered willingly.

King of your people, King of love, thank you for giving life;

Born of your free and sov’reign will, born of the Spirit’s light.

Thank you for eyes and ears anew by which to taste the Christ;

Make us to treasure Him within even in darkest night.

Ruler of nations, Risen One! Thank you for being hope

To ev’ry people, tribe and tongue, let everyone rejoice!

Thank you for life beyond the grave, Jesus, the Great Firstborn;

Shepherd your sheep to pastures green until we reach our home!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Why Study Biblical Greek and Hebrew

Since coming to Bethlehem Seminary I've often received the question from friends and family, "Why do you need to study Greek/Hebrew?" My simplistic answer has always been that it allows me to go deeper into the text and be more confident when teaching from it. But last week our Old Testament professor, Dr. Jason DeRouchie, gave a special lecture for the whole church body regarding why it is important for some Christians (especially leaders) in every generation to learn the Biblical Languages. For the curious, here are his main points:

"The good hand of his God was on him, because Ezra set his heart to study and to practice the Torah of Yahweh

and to teach both statute and rule in Israel." (Ezra 7:9b-10)

1) Using these languages exalts Jesus and affirms the wisdom of God in giving us his Word in a book. (i.e.-God gave His Word in these languages)

2) Using the biblical languages enables one to observe more accurately and thoroughly, evaluate more fairly, understand more clearly, and interpret more confidently the inspired details of the biblical text.

3) Using the Biblical Languages allows one to use more efficiently and evaluate more fairly the best secondary tools for biblical interpretation.

4) Using the Biblical languages fosters a depth of character, commitment, conviction, and satisfaction in life and ministry that results in a validated witness in the world.

5) Using the Biblical Languages provides a warranted boldness, a sustaining freshness, and a more articulated, sure, and helpful witness to the Truth in preaching and teaching.

6) Using the Biblical Languages equips us to defend the gospel and to hold others accountable more confidently.

7) Using the Biblical Languages helps preserve the purity of the gospel and a joyful glorifying of God by his Church into the next generation.

Conclusion: Hebrew and Greek are morally neutral realities that can be used for good or ill, yet they are fixed and do not change with time thereby help us to have a steady place to stand in the ever shifting cultures and times.

(All of this was said in an great attitude of humility recognizing the great and powerful value of having the Bible in every heart-language of all peoples. Yet he did not shy away from the call to church leaders - especially future pastors/teachers - to know and use these God given tools!)

Fully Formed

So, everyday Rachel gets these little electronic updates on her homepage concerning "the little one". Just the other day she happily announced that our baby it fully formed. Wow! In just three short months and weighing in at only 2 1/2 inches long the baby is fully formed. How is such a thing possible!

"If I say, 'Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be as night,'
Even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day,
for darkness is as light with you.
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (Ps. 139:11-14)

Our church memorized this whole psalm a few months ago but these verses have taken on new meaning recently. As the Psalmist meditates on struggling through darkness he thinks about the darkest place imaginable, the womb. And in that place of utter darkness God does some of his greatest work of creation. If it only take 3 months for Him to form a child in absolute darkness how much more can He do right now as we walk in the light!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

On the Way...6/12/10

So, the strangest things have been happening lately. First, we start getting these unique packages in the mail (like the one on the right). Then Rachel starts waking up in the morning and feeling all queasy. So, finally we go to the doctor and they send her home with some pre-natal vitamins. And today she tells me that she wants to go shopping for some new pants because hers are feeling a little to tight! What's going on!?!

OK, that's not how it actually happened but it can feel that confusing at times. That's right, come June 12, 2010 there's gonna be another Leman joining us in the world!! And there's gonna be a new mommy, a new daddy, new grandparents, great-grandparents, and lots of new aunts and uncles. All from one little baby, wow!

So, needless to say, we're pretty excited and are learning a lot as we wait expectantly for that day to arrive. It's so much fun to see Rachel get excited as one of her dreams is about to come true. And me, well I'm trying to adjust to the idea of being a dad! Whew! Lot's gonna be changing but we're trusting our Father to watch over us. Just last week in class we were studying the name of God, Yahweh, "He who causes to be". We are confident that this little gift is directly from Him and by His grace we'll grow into our new roles with much joy.

Quick Q's -
-No, we're not going to find out the gender (mommy's preference)
-Yes, we have names picked out already
-No, you can't know!
-Yes, I think it's a boy
-Yes, she thinks it's a girl
-Yes, I think I'm right...

OK, we'll stop there. More stories to come. Hopefully we'll be able to use this space to keep you up to date and I'm also planning to post more about my insights from learning in this church-based setting. Thanks for your prayer, we need them!