Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Hymn

By: Marcus Leman

26 November 2009

(You can sing it to Ellacombe - "I Sing the Mighty Power of God")

Lord of the heavens, Lord of earth, thank you for making us;

Made in your image and likeness but formed from lowly dust.

Thank you for labors to attend whereby you sustain us;

We are your vessels to command, you give our lives purpose.

God of salvation, God of grace, thank you for saving me;

When I was lost and hard of heart You displayed great mercy!

Thank you for Christ, our pascal lamb, offered upon the tree;

He did not seek His rightful place but suffered willingly.

King of your people, King of love, thank you for giving life;

Born of your free and sov’reign will, born of the Spirit’s light.

Thank you for eyes and ears anew by which to taste the Christ;

Make us to treasure Him within even in darkest night.

Ruler of nations, Risen One! Thank you for being hope

To ev’ry people, tribe and tongue, let everyone rejoice!

Thank you for life beyond the grave, Jesus, the Great Firstborn;

Shepherd your sheep to pastures green until we reach our home!