Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pray Today

April 18, 2007 was a day of tears throughout the church in Turkey as 3 Christ followers were brutally murdered for their faith. Since then it has been a day of prayer and I mark it in solidarity with the faithful ones yet in the land of Turkey. Would you join us?

This past week I was in Louisville, KY at a conference focused on the gospel of Jesus Christ. While there were many powerful moments in those four days, one of the most powerful for me came on the last day. Everyday before I had opportunity to sit on the floor level close to the front. The last day found me in the grandstands near the back. But during the time of musical worship I wept openly as the 7,000 member throng sang "My sin not in part but the whole is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more! Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!" I looked out on this assembly and my heart broke again for the believers in the land of Turkey for within sight of my two eyes were more godly men than there are believers in all of Turkey! Lord, haste the day when their numbers swell!

So, I'll be praying today for pastors, for Christ followers, for those in bondage to sin throughout this ancient land. AMEN, let it be, Lord.