Monday, June 21, 2010

Horticultural Insights (pt.1)

Yesterday I met a plant. The brilliant blue of this blossom only shows its face for a few hours... and then it dies. "What a waste!" (we say) "Why would God create such a short lived beauty?" The Ohio Spiderwort, as botanists have named it, is God's gift to all humans to stop and consider the length of our days. Some wise-man once made the observation, "as for man, his days are like grass; as the flower of the field so he flourishes, and the wind passes over it and it is gone."

If we want to be a little less man-centered think about this: every Spiderwort that ever bloomed in every wild-meadow of this tiny earth bloomed to declare the glory of God for God's pleasure first and foremost... only after that to men and angels partake in this festivity. Hundreds of people walked past this Spiderwort yesterday. Did anyone notice it's fragile progress towards explosive beauty and death? God did, and he saw it blossom today though I couldn't be there. But yesterday I heard its story, saw His art, and worshiped.