Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Daily Bible Reading & Middle-East Unrest

Here's a thought I had after reading God's word this morning and the news at noon:
Days of protest in a few cities have turned into weeks of unrest across the major cities of the Middle East.  Some are chanting slogans for economic, political, and domestic reform.  Others are chanting for the death of certain individuals they see as the cause of their hardships.  News commentators are all over the place in terms of predictions and implications of these events.  But when God spoke about the later times by the prophet Zechariah, we know his words are certain, "I will changed the speech of the people to a pure speech, that all of them may call upon the name of the LORD and serve him with one accord" (Zech. 3:9 ESV).  For them to call upon the name of Jesus and begin living a life of service to the true King requires God to change their speech.  Join in praying today that these movements of unrest would serve as Kingdom movements of God changing the peoples of the Middle East to praise him with pure speech.