Sunday, December 06, 2009

The Frigid Bite of 14

The weather outside hasn't quite been "frightful" but certainly "frigid". I would say "biting" best describes the feeling when I walk out the door at 600am to go to work. The slow numbness that comes over your ears and fingers. The nip of every gust of wind. Welcome to Minnesota! But I love to walk to work so early in the morning because no one else is outside yet and sometimes I'll sing as I walk.

"There's not a plant or flower below but makes Thy glories known,
And clouds arise and tempests blow by order from Thy throne..."
-Isaac Watts

Every change in the seasons is to point us to God and His mercy as renewing the world day by day. As I feel the frigid bite of 14 degrees on my walks to work I thank him for this truly "alive" feeling! Sometimes in life when it is dark and cold and we are utterly helpless is when we're most alive to God. That's because Christ is the light! Sometimes when we feel the bite of life's circumstances is when we most long for heaven. That's because Christ is the life!

"In Christ was the life, and the life was the light of men.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."
-John 1:4-5

Thankful with you,
Marcus & Rachel

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ah, the Smell of Spruce

Don't you just love the smells of the season! I sure do, it's one of my favorite parts. Christmas tea, cinnamon & clove candles, all kinds of baked goodies, and of course, the tree. I didn't know that when I got married I was marrying a spruce lover, blue spruce to be exact. But that'
s been our tree for three years running! (they're really prickly though-ouch) But they sure do look good and smell even better. So, I guess that's just one of those marriage things you find out later and love even more. Check out the video tour by Rachel - Merry Christmas!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Hymn

By: Marcus Leman

26 November 2009

(You can sing it to Ellacombe - "I Sing the Mighty Power of God")

Lord of the heavens, Lord of earth, thank you for making us;

Made in your image and likeness but formed from lowly dust.

Thank you for labors to attend whereby you sustain us;

We are your vessels to command, you give our lives purpose.

God of salvation, God of grace, thank you for saving me;

When I was lost and hard of heart You displayed great mercy!

Thank you for Christ, our pascal lamb, offered upon the tree;

He did not seek His rightful place but suffered willingly.

King of your people, King of love, thank you for giving life;

Born of your free and sov’reign will, born of the Spirit’s light.

Thank you for eyes and ears anew by which to taste the Christ;

Make us to treasure Him within even in darkest night.

Ruler of nations, Risen One! Thank you for being hope

To ev’ry people, tribe and tongue, let everyone rejoice!

Thank you for life beyond the grave, Jesus, the Great Firstborn;

Shepherd your sheep to pastures green until we reach our home!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Why Study Biblical Greek and Hebrew

Since coming to Bethlehem Seminary I've often received the question from friends and family, "Why do you need to study Greek/Hebrew?" My simplistic answer has always been that it allows me to go deeper into the text and be more confident when teaching from it. But last week our Old Testament professor, Dr. Jason DeRouchie, gave a special lecture for the whole church body regarding why it is important for some Christians (especially leaders) in every generation to learn the Biblical Languages. For the curious, here are his main points:

"The good hand of his God was on him, because Ezra set his heart to study and to practice the Torah of Yahweh

and to teach both statute and rule in Israel." (Ezra 7:9b-10)

1) Using these languages exalts Jesus and affirms the wisdom of God in giving us his Word in a book. (i.e.-God gave His Word in these languages)

2) Using the biblical languages enables one to observe more accurately and thoroughly, evaluate more fairly, understand more clearly, and interpret more confidently the inspired details of the biblical text.

3) Using the Biblical Languages allows one to use more efficiently and evaluate more fairly the best secondary tools for biblical interpretation.

4) Using the Biblical languages fosters a depth of character, commitment, conviction, and satisfaction in life and ministry that results in a validated witness in the world.

5) Using the Biblical Languages provides a warranted boldness, a sustaining freshness, and a more articulated, sure, and helpful witness to the Truth in preaching and teaching.

6) Using the Biblical Languages equips us to defend the gospel and to hold others accountable more confidently.

7) Using the Biblical Languages helps preserve the purity of the gospel and a joyful glorifying of God by his Church into the next generation.

Conclusion: Hebrew and Greek are morally neutral realities that can be used for good or ill, yet they are fixed and do not change with time thereby help us to have a steady place to stand in the ever shifting cultures and times.

(All of this was said in an great attitude of humility recognizing the great and powerful value of having the Bible in every heart-language of all peoples. Yet he did not shy away from the call to church leaders - especially future pastors/teachers - to know and use these God given tools!)

Fully Formed

So, everyday Rachel gets these little electronic updates on her homepage concerning "the little one". Just the other day she happily announced that our baby it fully formed. Wow! In just three short months and weighing in at only 2 1/2 inches long the baby is fully formed. How is such a thing possible!

"If I say, 'Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be as night,'
Even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day,
for darkness is as light with you.
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (Ps. 139:11-14)

Our church memorized this whole psalm a few months ago but these verses have taken on new meaning recently. As the Psalmist meditates on struggling through darkness he thinks about the darkest place imaginable, the womb. And in that place of utter darkness God does some of his greatest work of creation. If it only take 3 months for Him to form a child in absolute darkness how much more can He do right now as we walk in the light!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

On the Way...6/12/10

So, the strangest things have been happening lately. First, we start getting these unique packages in the mail (like the one on the right). Then Rachel starts waking up in the morning and feeling all queasy. So, finally we go to the doctor and they send her home with some pre-natal vitamins. And today she tells me that she wants to go shopping for some new pants because hers are feeling a little to tight! What's going on!?!

OK, that's not how it actually happened but it can feel that confusing at times. That's right, come June 12, 2010 there's gonna be another Leman joining us in the world!! And there's gonna be a new mommy, a new daddy, new grandparents, great-grandparents, and lots of new aunts and uncles. All from one little baby, wow!

So, needless to say, we're pretty excited and are learning a lot as we wait expectantly for that day to arrive. It's so much fun to see Rachel get excited as one of her dreams is about to come true. And me, well I'm trying to adjust to the idea of being a dad! Whew! Lot's gonna be changing but we're trusting our Father to watch over us. Just last week in class we were studying the name of God, Yahweh, "He who causes to be". We are confident that this little gift is directly from Him and by His grace we'll grow into our new roles with much joy.

Quick Q's -
-No, we're not going to find out the gender (mommy's preference)
-Yes, we have names picked out already
-No, you can't know!
-Yes, I think it's a boy
-Yes, she thinks it's a girl
-Yes, I think I'm right...

OK, we'll stop there. More stories to come. Hopefully we'll be able to use this space to keep you up to date and I'm also planning to post more about my insights from learning in this church-based setting. Thanks for your prayer, we need them!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Stirred Up!

Don't you love to be stirred up! The Spirit of God taking something and moving your spirit to worship, to wonder, to action; moving you such that the ashes of this life are shaken off and you feel the weight of eternity. So often I feel the sluggishness of the world weighing on my soul and then the Spirit comes in conjunction with the Word and stirs me up. I've been experiencing that a lot lately and it's no wonder. Lots of friends have asked us why we're here at Bethlehem Seminary, why we're putting ourselves through another 4 years of school and training. Simple Answer: so that we might be prepared to stir up God's people by the Word as the Spirit is pleased to bless it! We don't know where, we don't know how, we don't know the context, we don't know the roles...but we know that this is His purpose in bringing us here.

Here's a reading from my textbook that stirred me up today:

"Proclaiming the Word must be restored, because all the evidence shows that the churches are filled with people who so not know doctrine or Scripture - and many of them are hungry for teaching! No matter how the ministry of the Word is developed in the life of the worshipping community, when the people assemble for a full worship service with Holy Communion, the risen Christ must be lifted up in the eyes of the people and glorified through it...And the Spirit of God will burn the Word of God into the hearts and minds of the devout so that their loyalties will be renewed and the worship enriched.” (Ross. Recalling the Hope of Glory, p.430)

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Life-Guard II

Wow! In two days, two jobs! Rachel just had two phenomenal interviews for jobs as aquatics instructors/lifeguards at a YMCA and Foss Swim-School. Both asked her to come teach with them and we are glad. Like the pouring rain outside my classroom come down the mercies of the Lord at this time. Thank you for your prayers!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Desiring God Conference

This past weekend I was able to attend the DG National Conference called Calvin in the Theater of God as we celebrated the Biblical vision of God cast through the life of John Calvin. But the conference wasn't about Calvin at all, it was all about God. Any doubts you can just listen to the last message Pastor John gave on Sunday morning. Check it out, all the video and downloads are free! And may you be blessed with a greater and more glorious vision of Jesus Christ!


I feel overwhelmed with work these days, and glory! Oh to have time to sit and reflect on these wonders that wash over me everyday! God be praised!

May the shortness of this post bless you nonetheless. Life-Guard, what do you think of when you hear the word? Probably someone in a red swimsuit sitting on a tall white chair near a pool of water, right? Sun-glasses, sun-screen, sun-visor...the works. Well, when Rachel and I think about that term we cannot help but think of our good God.

"Though I walk in the midst of trouble,
your preserve my life;
you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies,
and your right hand delivers me."

Our Life-Guard has been so good to us in these recent days. Rachel has a string of interviews that she is going through right now, day after day! Wow! Silence for so long and now the stream continues to roll over us and we are overwhelmed! Thank you for your prayers, continue to join us as we wait on the Lord for his provision.

Oh, and their all for job interviews looking for a good life-guard.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Band of Brothers

Every Monday and Thursday these are the 14 other guys I spend all day with. Right now we're wrestling through Paul's Greek in Ephesians 1:3-14, crafting our understanding of corporate worship, and nailing down important background issues to studying the Pentateuch. Whew! Sounds like a lot of work - challenging but glorious.

I love the cooperative attitude in our classes. There is no competition here, we're soldiers of Christ in training together and helping each other along. Each guy in this picture is dealing with unique challenges and struggles as this seminary pathway opens up to each of us. Would you take a moment and pray for each one - then for us as a whole. Thank you!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Mighty Hand of God

Just came from chapel, a joyful experience each week when we come together as students, apprentices, and faculty to exult in those truths we're learning in class! Today we were led in the word by a brother who ably communicated the wonder and weight of I Peter 5:6-7.

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties upon him, because he cares for you."

Trials and suffering in this life must be view and responded to in the right way: 1) They are from the mighty hand of God! All of them, without exception, he ordains our pain and suffering in this life. And here we echo Job's cry, "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord!" 2) God's plan in this pain is to remove pride from our lives, to humble us; what a mercy that is! But we, in the power of the Holy Spirit, must respond and humble ourselves. Here is our opportunity to make the most of suffering in this life - humble ourselves under His mighty hand!

Oh, there was so much more but I'll leave it at that for now. We are certainly under his almighty hand these days, surrendered to his will, calling on Him to help us, to save us, and all our hope is in Him. Let me just recount the ways since school began:
-Rachel's had 3 job interviews!
-On our first day of orientation we were given a miniature library from Desiring God since we would need numerous resources they print in our next 4 years of study!
-We found out that we can pay our tuition in increments (no interest) which frees up funds for other necessities.
-A gift in the mail from someone who wanted to bless us as we seek to be faithful to God's call on our lives.
-Rachel and I were invited to someone's lake-home over labor day to relax and be refreshed.
-Numerous times my manager at work has saved "sample" food for me - I smile and pray "thank you Lord!" (we're still eating, don't be too alarmed, in this I mean to draw attention to the fact that God can provide us everything, anytime!)
-When we were at a difficult time looking for jobs I simply prayed, "Lord, give us a phone call" and 30 seconds later a friend called with two employment opportunities for Rachel. (30 seconds, really)

I could go on longer and deeper into the many internal mercies of the Lord these days, how he is humbling us and in his mercy making us utterly dependent on him! Rachel is officially on day 41 of her job search and with all her encouragements has still yet to hear back with an actual job offer. We continue to thank you for your prayers and ask that they continue. School has been wonderful thus far!! It is so encouraging to be in class with many like minded guys, to grow in skills that allow us to dig deeply into God's word, and to pursue the glory of God among all the nations together! But, more on school next time. Thanks for your faithful support as you keep up with us and pray. May the Lord bless you today as you live under his mighty hand.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Before we left Illinois we were overwhelmed by the gifts and well-wishes of our friends. It was truly a mercy to us that God is reminding us of everyday! I know the scriptures say that His mercies are new every morning, and that is certainly true, but past mercies are also active and reasons for thanksgiving. And what reminded me of this most was song #6.

A good friend gave me a CD before I left for Minneapolis. It was by some of my favorite artists and the general theme was "the perseverance of the saints in tough times." As I listened to it for the first time I ask the Lord, "are these songs intended to meet me now or sometime in the future?" And then we moved. For the first few weeks as we were learning our way around the city, the CD sat in our car and was unheard. But this week, as we wait eagerly for the Lord to provide a job for Rachel, it came out and this is what I heard...

You have ordained every breath we take
I pleasure or pain there is no mistake
Gladness and grief, both are in your hand
And sufferings brief carry out Your plan
And our fleeting sorrows will yield an endless prize
When some bright tomorrow we see you with our eyes, and

Grace upon grace flows down, flows down
Through the precious blood of Christ!

What do you do in the middle of a situation that is entirely out of your hands? Well, basically we either curse God or bless Him. And what a mercy this song has been in helping me bless the Lord. These "fleeting sorrows" are for some bigger purpose in our lives. This "pain" and "grief" are grace, grace flowing down from Jesus Himself! Oh, how we must bless the Lord for all His gracious purposes for soon they will yield an "endless prize" that will far outweigh all their pain.

Thank you for your prayers on our behalf. As we wait patiently for the Lord we know that He will incline his ear and hear our cry, he will lift us out at just the right time. So, as you pray for his provision and his soverign work in our lives, thank him for his mercies - past and present!

If you want to hear the song - it's #6

P.S.-Rachel just got an email about a job interview! Thank You Father!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Our New Home
So, many of your are probably wondering what our new place in Minneapolis looks like. Well, here is a batch of photos to introduce you to our new world. We hope to put up some pics with people we know sooner-or-later we are just not very good at remembering to take a camera everywhere. Enjoy!

ABOVE :: Our new living room with our few Turkish accents prominently displayed. And here is our desk where I'll be spending multiple hours a day starting next week!
LEFT :: Rachel's new pride and joy - a kitchen with countertops, dishwasher and a garbage disposal :-) The first few weeks the disposal sounded like a hungry bear underneath the counter, since then we've had a new one installed!

LEFT :: Our place of rest, and all the furniture fits this time! The only air-conditioner is in our bedroom but it drowns out the noise of traffic at night when we're sleeping.

BELOW :: The view from our bay window - The MPLS skyline and the Metrodome. The tallest building in the picture -Capella Tower (with the fan on top - is next to where my Starbucks is located in the downtown.

LEFT :: Our new church home, Bethlehem Baptist Downtown Campus. There are three campuses, one in the northern and one in the southern suburbs. You can see the sanctuary on the left and the building connected to it is offices, educations space, and the home of my seminary! This is just around the corner from our apartment and we're already beginning to wear a path between the two.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Memorize the Bible!!

Can I put in a little plug here, "memorize the bible!" After I left the library yesterday I was feeling rather downcast. Maybe it was because we had spent hours looking for jobs added to the heat & humidity on my bike ride home but when I got home I had no resolve left.

Since we've been tracking with this move to MPLS (Minneapolis) and Bethlehem Baptist we've been doing the church-wide scripture memory program. Every week we end the announcement time/begin the service with a recitation of that week's verses. Our first week at BBC we began memorizing Psalm 139 (and will continue through October memorizing the whole psalm!!). So, by now we're up to verse 5...

Anyways, when I got home last night we prepared dinner and ate it thankfully. After dinner we recite that weeks verses to each other and think about it in prayer. Let me show you how it lifted my gloom: (the mercy of the Lord)
  • LAST WEEK -"O Lord, you have search me and known me; you know when I sit down and when I rise up, you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are aquainted with all my ways." What a crazy week that was: moving to MPLS, starting a new job, find our way around the city - and he searched out every path beforehand! We have give thanks over this truth many times a day!

  • THIS WEEK-"Even before a word is on my tounge, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether. You hem me in behind and before and you lay your hand upon me." What a declaration and what a promise, he is always with us, he will always provide. It's a little unsettling to know that every doubtful thought and every hopeless sigh is seen by our Father before it even escapes our heart. Fearful even! Yet should we not fear him, fear him more than that which cause the doubt and the sigh. O Lord, search us and help us know ourselves that we might be more conformed to this image of your son Jesus Christ! Let your hand rest powerfully upon us that we might feel your strength and be kept believing always. O Lord, we truly are yours. AMEN

So, friends, this is what took place as we were memorizing the bible and this word has been with me all day. Won't you join us in this quest? May His word abide in you!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Wild Goose Chase

The busy sound of clicking is in my ears as I type this at the Minneapolis Central Library. We've been here for many hours now posting application after application all over the Web. While we are so thankful that I have a job at Starbucks, we're about ready to see if Rachel should don the green apron too! She's worked tirelessly over the past few days getting her name out there on the web, calling places to follow up applications, and searching out new possibilities while I'm steaming milk for someone's $4 triple grande 3 pump vanilla nonfat no-foam extra-hot latte.

When we moved here it was with the understanding that the Nanny Agency she had applied to would have interviews ready (like they said). Since we've arrived all her calls have been greeted rather casually and no interviews have surfaced. Obviously this was an episode of mis-communications but one that is unfortunately very detrimental!

So, please pray for us as we continue this search. It feels like a wild goose chase because in a big city like this the application process seems very impersonal. It was only today that we found a few applications for a swim instructor and the website invited us to return the application in person! WOW!! So, here's our first list of requests for those of you supporting us through prayer.
  • For perseverance and patience in this process, it can be very discouraging.
  • For a job to surface soon, especially before Marcus begins school in 2 weeks.
  • For us to make the best use of time otherwise in acclimating to this new city.
  • For joyful and deep connections among our new faith family, Bethlehem Baptist.

Thank you for your prayers!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Donning the Green Apron (Again)

I'm quite sure that as you read this at least a few of you are sitting there with a cup of coffee in your hand. And it is not unlikely that your coffee was blended and sold by the world-renown purveyor of fine coffee found on most city street corners. It's that happy third place where you go to hang out with friends or be by yourself or just dart in and out for a mid-morning "pick me up". Ah, yes, Starbucks!

Rachel and I have been in Minneapolis for 10 days now and I've spent four of those in a green apron. It felt good to make my first latte again and hand it to a customer with a smile. But right now after an eight hour shift...I'm just tired! But I'm also very thankful that in such a short time the Lord provided my with employment. So, I'm the one wearing a smile most days at Starbucks!