Another Day, Another Journey
Well friends, it's been a while since I've written but by God's good grace I am still on His perfect path. How wonderful that He has a trail uniquely marked for each of us and that He is our guide through that trail's highs, lows, darkness, and light. These past seven months since I returned from Turkey have been full of highs and lows, darkness and light. Going into my last semester as a senior TESOL major at Moody Bible Institute I was embattled. The clear path He had shown me in Turkey was now clouding in mist and darkness. Never did I doubt His plan but it just grew harder and harder to see.
I learned many valuable lessons that semester and spent my last days in a manner I hope was worthy of the God we serve. And now, the true days of preparation begin. God-dependence beckons and draws me into new realms of existence. I say this for three reasons:
1) When I arrived back from Turkey I found a "For Sale" sign in the front yard of my house. Yes, my parents were moving and I was staying behind. My dad found a wonderful position at a firm out in Salt Lake City, but my parents were torn in having to leave their three boys behind. I knew that when I graduated I could not return "home" anymore. One leg was kicked from the stool that had long held me up. Now I find myself living in the loft of my Aunt's home here in Geneva. She and my grandparents have been wonderfully gracious to help me through this time of transition post-graduation, but still my hope is in the Lord alone.
2) Once upon a time I thought I would be heading overseas immediately after graduation. A fairy tale maybe, but Wisdom seems to dictate a slower pace. So, I'm job hunting but still with the forward goal of being overseas within five years. I teach ESL part time with World Relief in Wheaton, refugees from all over the world. I also do odd jobs, anything I can do to help make some more money at this point. The big fish is still out there though as I look for a full time position that might help get me settled in these next years and get through graduate school. My hopes are to pursue the 2-year Biblical Studies degree at Wheaton College before packing the bags and hopping the pond. And yet, "all I have needed His hand has provided, great is His faithfulness..." In time, the right position will come, until then I wait on the Lord.
3) Lastly but probably most importantly is the fact that I recently became engaged the most wonderful young woman I know. Miss Rachel Kay is a second year linguistics s
tudent at MBI and has a strong desire to follow God overseas as well. We met playing soccer on the beach, I asked her out last February, and since then I've been history! Many who have seen me over the last few months know that I've changed a lot, and for the better. I find everything from my relationship with God to my choice of clothing challenged by this young lady. We've grown and groaned, walked and wept, lived and loved in these past 10 months and now are planning to get married. We've set the date for July 14 in St. Johns, Michigan. And for this as well I trust in the Lord.
How much has changed in these seven months of silence and yet I know I am on the same path He directed me to in Turkey. Marriage, working, life experience are all pooling together to help make me stronger for what the road ahead might require. I hope you'll stick with me in prayer and support in the days ahead. My our Guide bless us richly so that all the world may better know Him.
Walking with you,