Sunday, July 25, 2010

Grandparents, Welcome to the Club!

What would the world do without Skype? Well, for one thing there would be 4 disappointed new grandparents! Benaiah's became a skype star before he even left the hospital and now his show airs weekly at unpublished times over the weekend.

It's hard to believe that any of these folks are grandparents, huh? They certainly don't look it :-)

A Walk in the Park

The clamor for more pictures has been astounding! Benaiah fever has swept the nation! The editors of this blog felt that we had to do something to answer this massive surge in popularity. Hence we've decided that from time to time we'll just post pictures, lots of really, really, really cute pictures :-)

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Wee Hour Walks and Meditation

In the freshness of this new development in out lives I've been soaking in all the richness of the Biblical imagery of birth and babies. In the grind of the coming months this might wear off but something in me doesn't want to lose the child-like wonder of experiencing a child!

So, this morning at 3:00am Benaiah decided he was done sleeping. In those early hours of father-son time I had a lot of silence and a lot of time to think over the past few days and my past years of spiritual life. Oh, how little this baby understands about the world, about what's good for him and what's not, about who I am as his father. How little this baby is able to do...almost nothing. How little this baby is able to communicate, nothing more than a cry.

Lest I think too highly of myself, or any of us, what an amazing picture this is for us to wrap our earthly minds around:

-How much higher is God's understanding than ours! Benaiah doesn't even know what a building is let alone that he lives on the fifth floor of an apartment complex in Elliot Park, Minneapolis. How small is my understanding compared to the Father's!

-How much greater is his ability than ours! Benaiah can't even roll over and barely is able to move his head, let alone care for himself and make a contribution to the greater society that bustles around him daily. How small is my ability compared to the Maker of all things!

-How much superior is his speech than ours! Benaiah has two cries right now - the "I want attention" cry, and the "Whatever you're doing to me I don't like it" cry. As I held him this morning I was reading from a 3000 year old book written and meticulously passed down through the ages. How small is my speech compared to the Author's speech which in speaking makes things be!

If only it didn't take such a traumatic, life-upsetting course of events to allow me to see that "the heavens declare the glory of God..."

Looking with new eyes, Marcus