Friday, January 28, 2011

Cold, Colds, and Coldest

This was a week to slow down.  Minnesota winter biting at your skin.  Rachel and Benaiah coughing and fighting the bug.  And I'm just finishing two weeks of school realizing that I'm out of practice!

But I was encouraged greatly as I completed a study this past week through the "Word" portion of Psalm 19.  vv.10-11 end that portion like this:

"More to be desired [is your word] than gold, even much fine gold;
Sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.
Moreover, by them is your servant warned;
In keeping them there is great reward."

Here was my conclusion after a week of prayerful study:

"Now, do I believe these things?  These aspects are not so much in need of theological development but practical application.  If the word is to be desired above the finest gold, then I am one of the most fortunate and wealthy men alive!  If the word is sweeter than virgin honey still dripping from its comb, then I am ought be one of the most delighted men alive!  If there are eternal warnings and rewards contained in this book that can keep my soul from its deserving, everlasting punishment, then I ought be one of the most humble and grateful men alive!"

It is a true privilege for us to be here going deeper in the study of God's word.  It is our hope that amid these years and as a result of them we will be a blessing to the people of God and the nations from the immeasurable wealth and incomparable sweetness of God's word.

Did you skip all the writing just to get to these?
(Don't worry, I don't blame you, I would too :-)
Sick Day with Snack the Giraffe
(do they make these swings for adults!?!)

Friday, January 21, 2011

A New Vision (pt.1)

Last week you saw a new look to the blog and heard about some of our new year events.  But this week we wanted to update everyone, at least in part, as to a new vision God is giving us for our time here seminary in Minnesota.  Part of my (Marcus) educational emphasis here has been the Biblical languages.  They are both an emphasis of my school and a personal priority while I'm here at Bethlehem Seminary.  But that little seed of study was  expanded seven-fold last semester.

While at a conference in Atlanta, a classmate and I learned about a study program in Israel that teaches the Biblical languages like living languages (e.g.-French, Russian, Arabic...).  For a number of reasons I'll tease out in the future both he and I got incredibly excited as we saw it as a clear next step to what God had been doing in each of our lives individually.  When we talked with our wives about it they were both extremely excited as well seeing this course of study as fitting for the God-given trajectory of our families.  So, the short story is, we're making plans for me to go to Israel this summer and study Biblical Hebrew via this method.  There are lots of details still to be worked out but we've been seeking counsel from many friends and advisors, all seem to say, "go for it!"

So, expect more updates on this in the coming months, and please do pray for us as this is a huge undertaking that is beyond our abilities.  But we serve a God who is not bound by our abilities!


How could we not add a few more pictures of Benaiah (בְּנָיָהוּ) -

Yes, he did stand up all by himself!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

A New Year, A New Look, A New Vision

It's been a month since we posted.  It's been even longer since we've posted much of substance (although how can you resist all those pictures!).  So it's time for a fresh look, some fresh pictures, and some fresh news about what God is doing in our lives.

Let's start with a recap of the past month and then next time we'll get to the news:

Christmas in Michigan -

New Years in Utah -

And the little peanut's first swim lesson - 

That's all for now, more news and updates next week!