Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rugged Maniac

On Sept. 15, 2012 I and a few guys from the seminary cohort participated in the Minnesota "Rugged Maniac" event. 3.1 miles of running up and down ski hills with about 18 military style obstacle course obstructions thrown in our way. My favorite was probably the belly crawl under barbed wire through mud as thick as butter. 8-foot walls, underground water crawls, rope climbs, and of course, the fire pit jump made for quite and adventure. Here's a few pics of the madness...

Some "rugged" spectators

Benaiah gettin a little rugged...

Yes, that's mud!

The infamous fire-pit jump.

A couple maniacs (with our puppy).

So Much for Revisionist History

 I can't verify everything in this video but I'm not surprised at having been fed an "agenda" over the years.