One HUGE difference between a short-term trip and living somewhere for an extended period of time is the rhythm. Instead of all our efforts being bent towards a specific project or sightseeing, one must abide by the natural order of life in their new locale. From grocery shopping to exercise, private devotion and corporate worship; rhythmic markers in our lives cannot be overlooked for two-months!
Maybe this is on my mind because I'm doing lots of reading on the old covenant these days and this rhythm of life is predominant, "Six days you are to work and the seventh is a day of rest and remembrance, holy to the Lord." How much wisdom there is in this command! Even a machine that is left to run continuously will wear out and break-down. How much more so for human beings made in the image of our all wise Maker. We need time for maintenance & correction, meditation & reflection otherwise we're likely to go off course and have a long route back to the narrow way! The Father gave us 7-day periods to work, rest, reflect and begin again. We would be wise to keep to that rhythm.
As we have reached the half-way point of our time here we spent this weekend in reflection over the past month and anticipating the next. The past weeks have been filled with language & culture lessons, excursions, ESL lessons, and surprises (all Turkish style - i.e. "however it seems to happen"). The next few weeks will get more intense and more intentional: moving in with a Turkish family, visiting with fellow workers in the area, and giving ourselves more to prayer for the Father's vision. In our reading together these days our focus has been the parable of the Vine and how the Vinedresser prunes in order to get more fruit. Pray with us through this important time of vision a
nd discernment.
Well, it's off to the beach now! It's about 15 miles away, the picture at hand shows why we do little swimming near our apartment. We'll be doing some "Bump, Set, Spike" with our Turkish brothers and sisters. We've been so lovingly welcomed and invited by them on various occasions, may tonight be another chance for rejoicing together.
Until next time, we're so glad for your love and support.
(P.S.-Germany won 3-2 in the 90th minute, they got the last second "miracle" this time! We were there wearing our red and white though "Kirmizi - Beyaz")