Out of the Comfort Zone
Are you aware of yours? It's a bit hard to define and a bit of a personal subject, but we all have one. Unfortunately we don't realize how much we depend on it until we're pushed out of it's peaceful confines! It's people & places, sounds & smells, preferences & privacy, and on and on...
We're certainly out of our comfort zones now but have the most reassuring peace about it. It's the point on the roller coaster when your stomach stops fluttering and starts to soar with the ride. We are so happy to finally be at that point because the fluttering was wearing on us day after day. We're still uncomfortable at times but this peace is greater than the discomfort.
The host home we're living in now is quite a ride! Every morning we're confronted with the uncomfortable question: "What's for breakfast?" Every conversation we're confronted with the uncomfortable reality: "I can't speak to them even if I wanted to!" Every time their child starts screaming we're confronted with the uncomfortable presence: "Maybe if I just watch the T.V. it will be like I'm not here." And everyday brings new uncomfortable experiences like this that we're gladly and peacefully embracing.
Sheref & Fatosh just moved into their new apartment 5 days ago, we moved in 2 d
ays ago, and we're all still setting up house. Rachel's helping with the cooking, cleaning, and dishes; I'm available for the heavy moving but more for babysitting. (Their two-year old son is a joyful handful!!!) We sleep with a fan at night to avoid the heat & smokiness, we shower in the half-put-together bathroom with a hand spigot, and we eat foods that would not be our normal choices. (Rachel is doing great, I'm so proud of her! 4 slices of tomato for breakfast, eggs, watermelon, tea, tea, tea, -with lots of sugar for sure- and some new syruppy desserts.)
Well, as we enjoy the roller coaster we're constantly forced back to the reason we're doing this. Not for thrills or notches in the belt, not for adventure's sake or accomplishment...but this is for the name and fame of our King. So, to whatever extent you need to jump on board and get out of your comfort zone, this is a great reason to leave it behind. Until next time, enjoy the ride...