Monday, July 04, 2011

Summer Hebrew 11 - Freedom

Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

I've been reflecting on that description of Jesus lately, and today especially as we remember and celebrate earthly freedoms. How much greater those purchased for us in the Kingdom by our Risen Lamb. Let us continue to pray for the true freedom of America and all the peoples of the world.

I'm thankful today for a restful weekend and to be back into the studies full bore. This time of study is truly a gift which I am thankful for everyday. We were told today that after just two weeks we've learned or been exposed to almost all the vocabulary of Jonah. Amazing!

I'm also thankful for the people I've been able to meet, especially a few guys who are interested in serving future pastors through training in the biblical languages. We've enjoyed many a delightful lunch conversations together.

Rachel and Benaiah are probably enjoying my burger for me right now. I celebrated with a good ol' American PBJ.
