Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer Hebrew - Reflection

I read an interesting quote this evening that feels very real at the moment: "A simple but elegant fact about humankind is that if we avoid risk, we do not learn."

This summer was certainly a risk in the best sense of that word. There were a lot of unknown factors about this summer and about what could be accomplished in just 6-weeks of language learning immersion. But, surprise, surprise, this risk has resulted in a harvest of learning - linguistic, pedagogical, cultural, ... and Hebrew!

As I approach my last week of classes here I am struggling to put into words what has been going on inside of me. Today I visited an archaeology park in Jerusalem and took this picture from inside a ritual bath that all worshipers must pass through. They came down the stairs on one side - unclean. After washing they would mount the other side - clean.

At this point, that's the best I can do for analogy, I feel different in my approach to the Hebrew text - but there is a lot more work to do!

As we've been studying this week, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth...and God said, "let there be light." And there was light." But on day two, God didn't content himself with light, he moved on to more creative acts. And so I feel like this summer has been a summer of light...and it's just the beginning of an exciting process.

Thank you to all who have been praying and encouraging. One more week to go.
