Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Hebrew 23

Tonight I went for a run through the Judean hillside again - vineyards, orchards, scenic overlooks, rocky paths...oh yeah, and hills! There is one hill on the map whose name is aptly translated - steep hill. It's about a 1/3 mile long, 60 degree slope, and somehow it's always more convenient to run up it. Such way my lot tonight, but my aching muscles are satisfied at their accomplishment.

7 days left of classes and 15 until I'm reunited with my family in Michigan. A lot of days this summer have felt like "steep hill" - no where to go but up. As much fun as we have in class and as motivating as reading the Hebrew Bible is, at times its just plain hard work.

But the good news is that God is with us on the hillside and he cares about us more than we know. Just this morning I was reading in Galatians 4, "God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts crying, "Abba!"" That's a name I hear echo around the Kibbutz at night a little children, unconscious of my listening ear, call out for their father's attention. An so we can call out, in any language of the world, and our father will hear us and help us conquer "steep hill" and all other such trials.

Thanks for your prayers. Shalom.