Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer Hebrew 24

Only at the Biblical Zoo will you find signs like this posted (Bereshiyt bara' elohiym 'et hashamayim ve'et ha'arets...) "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..."

It's also only at a Zoo like this where you'll find exhibits of donkeys, goats, and chickens :-)

We've just finished the Genesis 1:1-2:3 account of creation. It's absolutely marvelous to read it in Hebrew and feel the poetic nature of the text. It's been a refreshing contrast to our readings in Jonah. In conjunction with the creation readings, we're also reading the Exodus and Deuteronomy records of the 10 Words (Commandments) and Psalm 8 - "O YHWH, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth..." What a great mix of texts!

Last night for homework we received a sheet of questions in Hebrew, like we've received before, but this time there were no multiple choice answers...just a blank line. I was amazed in class today as I listened to my classmates read their answers. Sure, we used up some of our 30,000 mistakes on that exercise - but we were composing basic answers to questions all in Hebrew. Wow!

This morning I was meditating on the text from Psalm 119:125 (only five words in Hebrew) "I am your servant; give me understanding, that I may know your testimonies." That is our prayer here everyday - "we are your servants here learning Hebrew, we need your help to understand the text, to understand the language, because we want to know more of you through this your precious Word."

With one week left, we appreciate you offering that prayer for us too.
